Mb V borkha (Black)

💥brand box

💥scarf dubai silk with cut work

💥 borkha stitched 

Bdy 46inches long 54inches 

Ektai size ✅ 

Fabric dubai silk

Cut work with stone work


Total Price

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💥brand box

💥scarf dubai silk with cut work

💥 borkha stitched 

Bdy 46inches long 54inches 

Ektai size ✅ 

Fabric dubai silk

Cut work with stone work

Frequently Bought Products

Dhaka Showroom
Dhaka Showroom

Fashionable Dresses Ltd.

16, Shah Makdum Avenue (cafe darbar building opposite of milestone college) Sector-13 Uttara ,Dhaka-1230

Mobile: 01730 58 89 66

Chittagong Showroom
Chittagong Showroom

Fashionable Dresses Ltd.

3rd Floor (lift 3) ,KBH Plaza (beside Mimi super market), Panchlaish thana, bayazid bostami road, nasirabad, CTG.

Mobile: 01730 58 89 66
